Module 3

How does climate change impact our health?

In this section, you will learn about the health impacts of climate. Below, you will find short videos covering on the health impacts of extreme heat, extreme weather events, air quality, water quality and quantity, food quality and security, and shifting ecosystems. By the end of this module, you will be able to identify health impacts of climate change and begin making connections to your own community.

Climate change impact on health

In this short video, you will learn about how climate change can impact health and factors that increase vulnerability to adverse health effects.

Extreme heat

In this short video, you will learn about how extreme heat can lead to direct and indirect health risks.

Extreme weather events

In this short video, you will learn about how extreme weather events can lead to direct and indirect health risks.

Air quality

In this short video, you will learn about how poor air quality can lead to direct and indirect health risks.

Water quality and quantity 

In this short video, you will learn about how poor water quality and quantity can lead to direct and indirect health risks.

Food quality and security

In this short video, you will learn about how poor food quality and food insecurity can lead to direct and indirect health risks.

Shifting ecosystems and ecology

In this short video, you will learn about how shifting ecosystems and ecology can lead to direct and indirect health risks.

Quick quiz

Take a quick quiz of Learning Module 3 to test your understanding of what you have learned.

Learning Module 3 Quick Quiz

Learning Module 3 Quick Quiz

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Which of the following is NOT a health pathway of a high temperature event?
Which of following is an example of a health risk that could be triggered by climate change?
Which climate impact is related to the following health risks: asthma, allergic reaction, cardiovascular disease, and respiratory disease?
Vectors prefer warmer and wetter conditions because they are more favourable for survival, growth, reproduction, and transmission of disease.
Everyone experiences climate change health impacts equally.
Climate change may result in the re-emergence of vector-borne diseases that were once eradicated and have now come back.

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